As an innovator in the realm of horizontal drilling for site remediation, Ellingson-DTD has been pleased to introduce a variety of creative remediation approaches to the industry. It is particularly satisfying when an approach receives formal industry recognition. We have just been informed that the Horizontal Reactive Treatment Well (HRX®) technology, co-developed by Arcadis, Clarkson University, University of Kansas, and Ellingson-DTD has been selected by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) for their 2019 Technology Award. This technology is further described in a September 2018 article in Remediation Journal: The horizontal reactive media treatment well (HRX Well®) for passive in situ remediation
The collaboration of Arcadis and Ellingson-DTD for several years on developing this technology culminated a year ago with the installation of the prototype HRX® well at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Data collected over a year of operation has indicated that the well performance has exceeded expectations. At this time, horizontal wells of the HRX design are being considered for additional defense sites in the US and Australia. Meanwhile, patents are pending for several of the proprietary well components.
For more information on HRX® well technology, contact Mike ([email protected]) or Dan ([email protected]) at Ellingson-DTD.