The picture below shows the pullback of a 6-inch diameter stainless steel well. The 1,800′ long horizontal well is designed with approximately 1,000 feet of screen, set approximately 100 feet below the point of entry.
This horizontal well is part of a horizontal LNAPL recovery system installed beneath a large tank farm (>40 acres) in California. Four wells averaging 1,700 feet in length were drilled beneath the tank farm. In order to drill the wells with minimal affect to the tank farm operations, all the wells had some horizontal curvature. However, the last may have more curvature than any other remediation well that DTD (or possibly anyone) has installed. The 85 degrees of curvature (55°
horizontal bend and 30°
of vertical) pushes the limit that can be reliably drilled and successfully pulled back. The combination of a sandstone bedrock, curvature of the bore path, and the long well length required all of the power of our American Augers DD210 to complete the well. This well, like all DTD wells was installed using 100% biodegradable drilling fluid. Email [email protected] for more information.