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SVE wells completed near Indy

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SVE is a common and efficient application of horizontal wells for environmental remediation.  Relatively short single-ended (blind) horizontal wells can provide access under site infrastructure, have a significant zone of influence and offer significant cost savings.

A designers rule of thumb is that a horizontal SVE well has 3-5 times the radial influence of a vertical well.  This “rule” is supported by the findings of a 1998 Department of Energy study (link found here) as well as a year 2000 review of existing horizontal well installations conducted by Dr. Louis Fournier.  In DTD’s experience this estimate is not only reasonable but can often be conservative for sites overlain by asphalt, buildings, or other largely impermeable surface materials.

DTD just completed a typical SVE installation near Indianapolis: two blind horizontal SVE wells beneath a former dry cleaners at what is now a busy shopping center.  The bore path design was constrained by the clients desire to have no store front construction activities and a combination of an active railroad and buried utilities behind the retail stores.

Shopping Center with well locations shown

Shopping Center with well locations shown

A single-ended bore path was selected entering from the back of the buildings and passing near the utilities. Despite being forced to navigate above a gas and water line, and beneath a sewer line both wells were installed safely and successfully.  In addition, the installation satisified the clients desire by having no disturbance to the retail stores.

For more information email Jason Yablonski at [email protected]