Tri-cone and mudmotor on exit of 1,000′ bore
The energy market continues to expand within the Permian Basin and still more pipelines are being run. But like the rest of the country, the construction of pipeline has changed in the last 30 years, and the environmental effects of trenching across sensitive ecosystems are no longer considered acceptable, even in Permian Basin
In the semi-arid Permian, surface water is a relatively valuable resource for humans and wildlife alike. As such, HDD is now used to cross most environmental resources (rivers, stream, wetlands and any other sensitive ecosystem) and even roadways.
DTD has just completed a 1,000′ long pilot bore, through which 16″ pipeline will be pulled in the coming days. The crossing was necessary for the pipeline to be run beneath a small river that provides habitat for a handful of threatened species. The HDD bore has allowed the pipeline to be placed with essentially no impact to the river, a far cry from the early days of running pipeline.