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2022 EnviroWorkshops – CEU Opportunities

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As 2022 gets into full swing, don’t forget to set aside time to earn the necessary continuing education units (CEUs) or professional development hours (PDHs) required to maintain your various professional certifications.

Continuing education written on classroom blackboard

The EnviroWorkshop series offers a fantastic in-person opportunity to combine continuing education with networking in a fun and educational atmosphere. Tailored towards remediation  professionals, regulators, practictioners and owners, the workshops provide a highly technical educational program, highlighting the latest technologies in the field.

This year the workshops span three different technical areas of focus and will be held in over 30 different US cities. The workshop focus areas include: “Remediation”, “Vapor Intrusion” and “Energy and Environment”

Ellingson proudly sponsors the worskhop series, and will be presenting at nearly 20 of the workshops throughout the year.

Upcoming workshops where Ellingson will be presenting include:

DATE                      CITY                            TOPIC                                           

Feb2                        Houston TX                  Remediation (Field Technologies)

Feb3                        San Antonio TX           Remediation (Field Technologies)

Feb9                        Knoxville TN                Remediation (Field Technologies)

Feb10                      Nashville TN                Remediation (Field Technologies)

Feb23                     Indianopolis IN           Energy and Environment

Mar2                      Kansas City KS             Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

Mar3                      Tulsa OK                         Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

Mar9                      Atlanta GA                    Energy and Environment

May17                    Greenville SC               Vapor Intrusion

May18                   Atlanta GA                     Vapor Intrusion

May 19                  Birmingham AL           Vapor Intrusion

June7                    Chicago IL                      Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

June8                    Indianapolis IN           Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

June9                    Cincinatti OH              Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

Sep14                     Dallas TX                      Remediation (Field Technologies)

Sep15                     Austin TX                     Remediation  (Field Technologies)

Oct18                    Detroit MI                     Remediation (In-situ Next Generation)

Oct19                     Cleveland OH             Remediation (In-Situ Next Generation)

Oct20                   Pittsburgh PA              Remediation (In-situ Next Generation)


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